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PROMIX LTD. participant the 17th international exhibition “Electronics & Power Engineering 2017” Odessa

7 2017


 September 7, 2017
Category: News

Ladies and gentlemen!

PROMIX LTD. invites you to visit our stand on the 17th international exhibition “Electronics & Power Engineering 2017”, which will pass from 13 -15 September, 2017 at the Exhibition Complex of Odessa Sea Commercial Port, Odessa.

At our stand visitors could acquaint with diagnostic and measuring equipment of leading domestic and foreign manufacturers, to get detailed information about mobile laboratories and equipment supplied to the enterprises of electrical and power “PROMIX” Ltd. In particular, at the stand the following equipment was presented:

– equipment for search and control of high-voltage cables parameters (surge wave receiver DigiphonePlus company SEBA KMT, member of Megger group; searching complex GZCH-2500 receiver “POISK-2006″, kilovoltmeter RD-30 production FL-P Butko M.V.);
– a device for fault location in water networks and heat supply systems (equipment for places of water leakage localization with acoustic method Hydrolux HL 5000 PRO Set, produced by SEBA KMT, member of Megger group);
– instruments for transformer parameters measurement (“K540-3″ power transformers parameters meter and ITV-140 leakage current meter, produced by FV-P Butko M.V.);
RLC-meter precision MNS 1100 manufactured by “PROMIX” Ltd. The device provides a measurement of the impedance (capacitance C, inductance L, resistance R, the mutual inductance M, the loss tangent tgd, the tangent of the phase angle tgj) at frequencies from 0,5 Hz to 100 000 (including – 50 Hz).
And for the first time there were presented the following instruments, produced by Megger:
Clamp DCM300E;
Digital multimeter AVO410;
Digital clamp meter DCM340;
Measuring the parameters of short-circuit loop LTW325 and LTW335 EUSC EUSC;
Clamps for measuring earth DET14C;
Digital earth tester DET4TCR2 and many others.

We will be glad to see you among the visitors of the exhibition “Electronics & Power Engineering 2017”!

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